OCR: Standard (RLE) Sucha compresseRICT canbeopenedon everyMacintosh. QuickTime Sucha compresseICTcan lonly be openedif QuickTimeis installed Clickon optionsto chang&hecompressiorettings Dither Suchpictureswill automaticallbedithereda fteropening However this slows down theopeningprocess Spool Thisfunctionis usefulforlargepicturesf vou haven 'tenoughmemory. 4TIFFOptions You have thef ollowingoptions: No Compression You save the pictureuncompresseMostTIFF importingprogramsopen such images PackBits (RL H The packbita lgorithmss usedforthe compressionThis algorithmworkswell on blackS whiteimages. LZW TheLZW algorithmisused.Theresultsareoftenvery poob LZW with Prediction The LZW algorithmis usedwith predictionThe resultsare often betterthan withoutpredictionButthisschemesn tsupportefrommanyapplicat ...